Welcome to Pickleball Pen!

We started this site as a passion project after playing pickleball and rapidly falling in love with the game. Our team has varying levels of experience, but we all love playing pickleball and have been enticed by this rapidly-growing sport. Our mission is to spread as much helpful knowledge to the pickleball community as possible – how to play, what to know starting out, which equipment you may need, etc. This will be your go-to resource for anything and everything you need to know!

On top of general information and tips for beginners, we’ll be posting things like how to select a paddle, recent tournament results, the history of the sport – and so much more! Thank you for embarking on this journey with us. We can’t wait to grow the community and spread knowledge / awareness of pickleball to everyone. 

We sincerely hope that you enjoy our site. If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to reach out via our contact page. Or consider subscribing to our email newsletter for more fun updates!